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    Contact us

    Tegum AG

    Zürcherstrasse 350 I CH-8500 Frauenfeld

    Tel. +41 (0)52 723 63 30

    Legal form: Public limited company

    Commercial register company number: CH-440.3.001.866-2

    VAT number: CHE-102.347.314

    Place of jurisdiction: Frauenfeld

    Your field service team

    Roland Niccolai

    Roland Niccolai

    Sub. Region Ticinno

    +41 79 543 63 75

    François Jacquat

    François Jacquat

    Region West

    +41 79 729 19 91

    Jet Pletscher

    Region East

    +41 79 194 44 42

    Andreas Hurni

    Andreas Hurni

    Region Northwest

    +41 79 671 88 67

    Piero Soppelsa

    Piero Soppelsa

    Region North

    +41 79 106 79 99

    Maya Lübke

    Maya Lübke

    Region Central

    +41 79 501 93 98

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    Montag bis Freitag

    7.00 - 12.00 / 13.00 - 17.15 Uhr

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